Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New Brunswick

Day Three:  In Which Zola Declares "When I grow up, I'm gonna live in Canada!"

She mentioned this after we found Jack Fries - a restaurant specializing in french fries -

Jack Fries, Grand Falls, NB
The restaurant also happened to have a shrine Kramer.

Mysterious Shrine
I decided it best not to ask Jack about the shrine.

I finally got to try poutine (original Quebec style) as recommended by Jennifer Roth of www.travelingroths.com - it was awesome - thanks, Jennifer!  Here is the poutine -

Poutine - Fries, Gravy & Cheese Curds

Before we arrived at Jack Fries, we had to say good-bye to Old Quebec.  We all really enjoyed our time there - what a great place.  With thousands of miles ahead of us, we hit the road early to head East across the province of Quebec.

We crossed into the province of New Brunswick and headed for the town of Great Falls.  This was our first night of camping on the trip and  Zola's first night of camping anywhere!  We were a bit surprised that French was still the predominant language being spoken, but that was fine by us as we were really enjoying the experience.  Here are a few pictures from our day in Grand Falls, NB

Bridge near the start of the gorge

The view of the gorge - from our campsite


The Girls on the hike down along the gorge


extreme shenanigans

End of the day
We had a great time camping along the falls and gorge in Great Falls!  We broke camp early to get back on the road.  Stay tuned for the update from Day 4 - which was awesome!


  1. Good stuff, guys! Keep the updates coming and be safe!

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